February 11, 2008


I love making introductions...especially when introducing such an adorable little one. This is Brooks and he is my newest nephew, that I've adopted ;). His Mom, Anna, is a very close and dear friend of mine and is simply one amazing "chic"! I posted some photos of her and her pets awhile back while she was still pregnant. Recently, she and her husband, Jeff, welcomed this beautiful addition to their family...a family that has previously consisted only of the most beloved and spoiled pets. Anna's puppy, Barkley is probably tied with Mocha for "MOST SPOILED PET EVER"...ha.ha. Barkley has adjusted to Brooks and she has been gracious in sharing the spotlight already. I wanted to share a few photos that I grabbed when I went over to meet Brooks for the first time. Now these really have the "Aaaaaaahhhhhhh" Factor!

With his mommie & daddy both alumni of the University of Georgia, we could not get by without snapping a few pics with his GA BULLDOG hat & pacifier. This, of course is one of my favorites. And now it seems I have another mascot for my GA Dawgs....


I couldn't resist snapping a few as his Grandma, Ms Susan held him with his teddy blanket. I love this photo. I must add that this teddy bear blankie was super-duper soft! And the pacifier was awesome too.

Now this is what happens when you take away the pacifier. I am only going to imagine what Brooks was thinking, but it seems his expression says it all. I have learned that this is a very quick way to get a baby to cry or scream or do both, very loudly...ha.ha.

I had asked Anna about taking a few photos outside and because it was a little chilly we decided to bundle Brooks up. That included this "uber" cool hat. Kids today have a better wardrobe than most adults...

I love this photo, however I think Brooks was getting that "burrrrr" feeling...ha.ha.

But very soon he was settled in and falling right back to sleep.

And finally, the last photo. With this photo I was trying some creative techniques to soften the overall appearance of the image and to also add a touch of sepia toning. I simply LOVE that all this editing can be done in the comfort of my chair, in front of my Apple computer, with some awesome iTunes in the background, Mocha sitting on squirrel patrol just feet away and a nice Large Ice Coffee in hand...instead of the old days when everything was done in dark rooms. You just gotta love technology. Anyways, it is always fun to experiment with new ideas.

I will definitely be posting more photos of this little guy. As I watch him grow, hopefully I will be able to capture some very happy times in his life. He is a blessed little one to have Anna & Jeff as parents. Two AMAZING parents + one AMAZING kid = ONE AMAZING FAMILY! My very best wishes for all the happiness and wonderful things life has to offer them.

Anna, words cannot begin to explain the respect and love I have for you...as a friend...as a woman...and as a mother. You are going to Rock as a mommie! Just ask Barkley. ;) I am very blessed that our paths crossed years ago and that not only did we become friends, but we have become like sisters. You are one of the most genuine people I've ever known and I thank you for your support with my business and making me laugh so often when we talk. I can always count on a big smile where you are involved. I appreciate you giving me the honor of taking some photos of your beautiful baby boy! My only hope is that with my camera...I can attempt to do his beauty justice.