February 25, 2008


The Brown family...a wonderful mix of personalities and energy. These kids had me laughing so hard that I would actually have to stop shooting so I could recompose myself. Five wonderful kids and two amazing parents are what make up the Brown Family. To describe the personality of each kid would be very hard, so I hope this is simply reflected in my photos. As you scroll down I am sure you will understand the comics that had me entertained on this shoot.

To start off, with respect to putting little girls first...a touch of purity, innocence and sheer beauty can be seen with the youngest member of the family...Little Miss Katherine. She was recently adopted by the Brown Family and is the only girl, besides Mom. Very quickly she made her way into the hearts of all the family, extended family & all the friends of the Browns. She is very blessed to now be a part of this wonderful family...she is truly a gift from God.

I just LOVE this photo...

Now, this is how we started the shoot...can you understand why I laughed the entire time. These guys are so hysterical and were so much fun to photograph. (L to R) Cameron, Gregory, Zachary and Christopher.

Cameron is one awesome kid! He was a blast to photograph. It was hard to get a serious photo of him because he was constantly acting silly and having fun. I finally caught him in a moment of silence and I just LOVE this photo. Definitely one of my most favorites from the day.

As you can clearly see here...Cameron loves the camera and loves to entertain. Not sure whether he should be a model, an actor or a comedian...he does all three very well. Cameron, thank you for making me smile and laugh...You rock!

Christopher...this is Cameron's twin. Different and alike in so many ways.

Another favorite photo of mine from the shoot was this one of all the kids. It was very cold on the day we went to shoot, but these guys were so great to take off their shoes and hang out for pictures.

Gregory is the oldest sibling...he looks very calm in most of his photos, but don't be fooled. He was as funny as the others, he was just faster to compose himself when I would turn the camera to him. He plays football, likes to hunt and is great at keeping the others in line. I would definitely say he is good at being in charge.

Zachary...95% of the day he was working the camera and making me giggle. He has such a strong personality, which naturally attracts you to him. In most of his photos he has a big smile, but I was able to get him to pose for a few "serious" shots and I love how they turned out. Zachary plays football and loves to hunt also. He loves trucks, 4 wheelers (I love 4 wheelers too Zach!) and he collect knives. His personality is intoxicating to be around...he just makes you feel happy.

Now this is Zachary's response to my camera for most of the day...

Here's Cameron again...I actually talked him into letting me get some photos without him dancing or making silly faces. whewwwwww...that was a task, but he gave in and agreed to be nice. I found myself shooting alot of close-ups of this kid...his eyes & smile are so captivating that you get lost staring at them. He was so much fun to hang out with and his energy is simply magnetic. Cameron is a brilliant video gamer and he likes 4 wheelers. He had me in hysterics all day, he is a real wild child and comedian.

He never stops smiling...how awesome!

Christopher was more cooperative when it came to settling down for a few photos. Although he did break out his funny faces quite frequently, I still managed to get some shots for Mom. He was non-stop all day...I wondered if these kids had a little too much candy before the shoot, but no...they are all just full of life. Christopher too likes video games.

He is a bit shy, but he too has a silly side.

Introducing Kristin and Kirk. The Mom & Dad who are like SuperMan & WonderWoman. They are incredible as parents and I completely understand why these kids are so happy. Kristin would stand back holding Katherine ever so close, as Kirk would run with the boys. He had his hands full picking them up...flipping them and trying to keep them from giving each other wedgies. Lots of love...lots of fun and never a dull moment....a perfect combination for a happy, healthy and hilariously funny family!

I love this photo of Kirk and the boys....

Here are a couple photos from an earlier shoot...

Thank You Browns for sharing yourselves & your personalities with me. Thank you for letting me capture some of the things that make you all so wonderful. You are such a close family and it was so clear the love & respect you have for one another. It was such a joy to see a family that gets along and has fun together. The bond you have is incredibly strong and is an example to be followed. May God continue to bless each of you & your family as a whole. I had a blast hangin' out and can't wait until our next shoot. Thank you Gregory, Zachary, Christopher & Cameron for making me feel like a kid again myself. ;)

have a blessed day~c!


Mark Brooke Photographers said...

I love all the color you used! the pick looks great. -candice

Rachel Brooke said...

The lighting is ideal here and this family is gorgeous! I like the collage you made of all the silly faces..as well as the beautiful personal shots with baby.

(I also love your blog header of the cute yorkie!)