November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!!!! sorry...a day late, but still wishing everyone had a wonderful and SAFE day yesterday. I have been running around so crazy this past week that I did not have time to get Mocha a I had to pull some photos from last year. I am sure he was glad I didn't find a costume and dress him up....ha.ha. Last year he was sooooo very tired and although all I wanted was to get a few pics, he was not excited about the whole costume situation. This is one of the photos where he looks the happiest and that was because we put the bat costume on his stuffed octopus...ha.ha.

I did manage to get the bat costume on for a few minutes, but as you can see from him yawning, he was not into it. He was very tired, which I think made for some hilarious photos. I think this was appropriate being it was Halloween and he was suppose to look scary and all.

Poor Mocha, he was so tired...but not to worry, I took all these photos in under 15 min and then he was free of costumes and taking a nap within a half hour. I just love this look, I sometimes wake with my hair and expression looking very close to this...ha.ha.

There was also a bumble bee costume...but again he did not like the hat, so the pumpkin got it.

And this is assortment of the photos. I use this as my screen saver this past week. I just love all the expressions here...these pics make me crack up laughing every time I see them. However, I am sure if he could communicate his thoughts it would simply be "get this stuff off me and the camera out of my face."

I have some amazing photos of a friend's little girl from yesterday...I will be posting those this week. We had a wonderful time and she was an adorable little witch for trick or treating. It was her first time, so there was alot of excitement. Can't wait to share the pics...until then....
Have a blessed day~c!