September 25, 2007

The Brookshire's

Recently I attended a baby shower for my very dear friends Anna & Jeff, who are expecting their first child in Oct. Anna's mom, the sweet and wonderful Ms Susan, asked if I would come back by the next day to snap a few photos of her granddaughter, Sara, before she left. I happily returned the following morning to an adorable little girl all dressed up and ready to pose. Although for Sara it was more fun to put her stuffed animals on the stool and spin them, than for her to sit and let me take her picture. Sara's laugh was simply infectious and I found several of my photos with motion blur because she had me cracking up too. While I was there I decided to get a few photos of the other spoiled children...Barkley, Daisy, Valentine, Sparky, Charlie, Buddy and somehow we missed Randi. YES...all doggies and all spoiled! Huge dog lovers? Absolutely...which simply means they are good people...and most of their pets are ones they have rescued, these people have the biggest hearts. Well, me being a BIG pet lover myself (if you couldn't tell) was honored to be able to capture these beautiful, very loved & VERY HAPPY doggies. Hope you enjoy a few of the pics from the shoot...

This is little Miss Sara...I just love the look on her face in this photo.

But once we changed the stuffed animals she was ready to play.

and she just stood there spinning this guy around and around on this really cool antique piano stool...

A quite moment to the side...

Her Mom was such a big help in getting her to laugh...

And this was one of my favorites...

Later outside, Charlie wanted to be part of the fun too and it seemed like Sara was OK with sharing the spotlight.

This is my favorite of Sara and her mom, Jennifer.

And of course Sara and her grandma, Ms Susan...

This is Sparky...what can I say, you just want to kiss him all over.

And here is Daisy...yes, she does look like royalty and her mommie Kim, treats her like it too.

This is one of my oldest and dearest friends, Anna. At the moment this is her most favorite baby, Barkley. As you can tell...Barkley is more than loved & showered with affection constantly! [I used a hint of blue to give this black & white a silver tone and soften it up.]

One of my favorites...[I used my 80mm lens to get that really cool drop off effect and distortion. Love it!] Plus my subject was gorgeous!

This is Buddy...

And Barkley again....

Now I love this one of Valentine. Not only did he take over the leather chair to himself, there is also a remote and newspaper to the left. What else does a man dog need? ha.ha.

And finally, to close...a photo of Barkley's paw while she lay sleeping beside me. This again is one of my many favorites.

Well, thats it for now. My deepest thanks to the Brookshires for trusting me with their photos and treating me just like family. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.
have a blessed day~c!