September 30, 2007

Mark & Tamie

September 15, 2007 I had the honor of documenting Mark & Tamie as they began their new life together. My first conversation on the phone with Mark, simply blew me away...I do believe he is the nicest person I've ever talked to on the phone...really! I had heard so many wonderful things about him & Tamie, once I talked with him...I knew they were true. This was one of the most beautiful couples (inside and out) and I feel so blessed that I was able to share in their special day.

Mark and Tamie are such an interesting combination of personalities...I do believe this is what makes them so perfect together, their ability to balance each other out. She is laid back and a girly girl who loves to shop. He is an adrenaline seeker who maintains a full-time job and races motorcycles professionally in his free time...which is also consumed by his matches as an ultimate fighter. Yes, he is a busy guy that has some dangerous & exciting hobbies. And for Tamie, this is scary, but she loves him & supports him. It's not hard to see how they compliment each other perfectly...

Their wedding was outdoors at the Country Club of the North in Xenia, Ohio. The high was 62˚F with partly cloudy was simply a gorgeous day for a wedding! Below are some of my favorite shots from the day. Hope you enjoy.

Mark & Tamie...after the ceremony and butterflies.

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change a girl's life! :) TAMIE ENJOY YOUR NEW LIFE!

I love this area where she got dressed...The locker room had small skylights up top, which let me capture some really nice shots in the natural light.

Now I was always a Daddy's Girl myself, but I think Chloe is right there with me. Chloe is Mark's 5 (almost 6) year old daughter...and this little girl LOVES her Daddy. She not only looks like an angel, but also acts like one.

And this is Mitchell, Mark's son...he is 11 and I had a blast with him. Every time he passed by me, I would immediately go to focus my camera and he would give me the biggest smile. Although someone did bust him out later, for giving me one of his "fake smiles"...ha.ha. I do have to say, he did a fantastic job as ring bearer and kept these beauties safe until the ceremony! Good job Mitchell.

Now here we have Miss Olivia...this is Tamie's niece and she was amazing in front of the camera. I could see her having a future in modeling if she wanted. From the moment I arrived, I could tell that she & I were going to be good friends. She was so sweet and I loved photographing her. Oh yea, like me she is a huge fan of lip gloss. :)

Although Tamie looks like she is in serious thought, I believe she was laughing hysterically right after this. I don't believe I've ever seen a bride more calm than she.

The flowers were simply beautiful...

and the ring...well, the ring was GORGEOUS and notice the necklace and earrings. Mark surprised Tamie with these earlier in the week. Way to go Mark!

Now, I could not hear what Tamie's Mom was saying,...hummmm? Last minute advice? Not sure, but I just enjoyed watching them laugh together...Tamie's Mom looked so proud and was happy all day long.

A few moments for prayer....

This is the first photo I posted, just in Black & White...I love B/W pictures.

You can see how vibrant the colors were in the grass and flowers.

Here is a photo I did with the all the Grandparents...and I must say they definitely get my vote for the "Coolest Grandparents"...they were all so very nice and just fun people to hang around with.

Although I didn't get to eat any of the cake...I heard it was fabulous.

Here is Mark dancing with his Mom...She was too a very proud Mom and it definitely showed. It must have been a wonderful feeling for her to see him so happy.

And I loved this photo of Chloe and her Grandfather (Mark's Dad)...Chloe was watching Tamie & Mark as they had their first dance.

During their first dance it looked as if they were the only two people in the world. I don't believe they ever lost eye contact with each other...well, except for the occasional kiss on the cheek.

Tamie was simply radiant all day...This is all natural light and an all natural glow!

One thing I looked forward to for months before this wedding, was getting to see this "Ice Sculpture" that was not only beautiful, but functional. It served as a Martini mixer & chiller. There was an assortment of martini's available...Appletini, Pamatini, Lemon Drop, Classic Martini and my favorite Chocolatini...yum yum... I heard these were fabulous too. Thanks Leonard for your report.

Chloe did a lot of fast energetic dancing early, but later in the evening, she began to slow down. Every time I would turn around she was right up under Tamie on the dance floor...holding on...hugging...and just sharing the love. Which is exactly what I witnessed the entire day. Lil' Chloe loves her Tamie and must have hugged her 100+ times during the day, it was too sweet to see such a close bond between these two. And look at her in the photo on the right, she really does look like a little angel...

And this has to be one of my MOST favorite photos of the whole day. Now tell me this doesn't just put a lump in your throat. Remember me telling how Chloe was a Daddy's Girl? Well, you can see that she has lots of love to spread around for Tamie too. It touched my heart so very much as I watched the three of them dance together...

I would like to close off by saying "THANK YOU" to Mark & Tamie for trusting me with their special day and the memories. Your love for each other and those around you is truly amazing! It was such a blessing for me to be there and share these moments as you begin your new life together. You BOTH are very kind & thoughtful people and I am so happy that I can now call you friends.

September 15...the day that was also my parent's anniversary...a day my Mom still holds very close to her heart. I hope Mark & Tamie have as many wonderful years of happiness and love as my parents did...and more! Congratulations you guys!

Click here the the full SLIDESHOW...

have a blessed day~c!