March 15, 2008


Christopher Matthew...14 lbs of "happy...happy" baby. Last week my sister and I went to meet our newest little nephew and to say he is a good baby is an understatement. He was grinning and laughing the entire time we were there. Jeni says he is always smiling. I wanted to take alot of photos of him, but he had not been feeling good so I only took a few pics. Even being sick he was an awesome baby...he never once cried. He is sooooo adorable and I wanted to start documenting those precious expressions and get him used to having my camera in his face. As I begin to snap away and call his name, "Chrisssss-tooo-pherrrr", he began to stare right at me. It seemed he was as mesmerized by me as I was by him. I may be a little biased here...ha.ha. but he is a beautiful & sweet baby. He has the biggest brown eyes like his mommy and I think they will probably get him out of alot of trouble. He also has as head full of beautiful dark hair, like his Auntie Cass :) yea yea.

Without further ado, let me introduce the newest addition to our family...Christopher Matthew.

We stepped outside to capture some shots in the beautiful light. As the sun was going down the sky was turning such a bright orange. That is one of the benefits of living in the country...beautiful sunsets, free of pollutants and night skies that allow you to count almost every star because they are so visible. oh yea and fresh air! Here are some photos of Jeni & Christopher, my brother was working this day and I was not able to get any of him.

You would never guess that he wasn't feeling well this day...he just looks so happy!

Obviously he loves tickles....

Here are a few photos inside his nursery. Jeni did everything herself, her talents still amaze me. She painted it in a light yellow & light green with a bright white trim. Everything was done in zoo cute.

Jeni is a collector of "Precious Moments" figurines. My sister had cross-stitched several Precious Moments to frame some years ago. My Mom took three of them and made a banner (bottom right photo) to hang on Christopher's door. It turned out so awesome!

Before we left, I begged my sister to take my small Canon point & shoot and snap a couple pics of me with Christopher. I never get in any photos because I am always taking them...ha.ha. But at least I now have a couple to remember the day I met my sweet, sweet little nephew, Christopher Matthew.

Welcome to the world Christopher...welcome to our family! much love...auntie cass

Today marks 9 years since my Dad passed. It is the hardest day of the year for our family and time may have healed some of the sadness, but the tears remain and the missing will always be part of our hearts. I do not think today will ever be a day I like to remember, but I always start it with a "Thank You" to God for letting me be so blessed to have had such an amazing and wonderful and loving father. The person I am today is a direct reflection on my parents, their love & the manner in which I was raised. My father was a BIG part of our lives growing up and he is a big part of my life still. I constantly ask myself "what would make him proud?" and "how can I be a better person and be more like him?". He was a man well respected and loved by many. I am thankful that he set such an example for us and that today he still effects me and my life. Below is a photo I took with one of my first Canon 35mm film is one of my sister's favorite photos. She and my Dad were big fishing buddies and this photo reminds her how happy he was when fishing.

Missing him is very hard...remembering him is easy.


Rachel Brooke said...

I love that you captured the smallness of his hands and feet. So precious!

Unknown said...

i love your work. it speaks to me. the one of your dad is heart felt. i lost my dad about four years ago while my wife and i were living in florida. i was diving home when he went to Heaven! I understand your plite. please check out my blog. i am good budzzzzz with ricki ford