December 19, 2007

Monique & Theo...A Baby!

I sat at my computer...rubbing my eyes from lack of sleep and wondering if the email I read was correct. It simply said "You are going to be an AUNTIE!"...
The email I had received was from one of my oldest and dearest friends. A person whom I respect for what she holds on the inside and what she shines on the outside. I was in disbelief and overwhelmed with such joy that I could not even reply to the email, at least not until I said a prayer of Thanks. A simple Thank You to God for many prayers that were answered on this day. A day that my friend Nique & her husband, Theo, found out that they were going to have a baby. Nique is absolutely one of the most amazing people that I have been blessed to meet and continue to call a friend over the many years. Nique and Theo "still" have that head-over-heels, romancing each other, I got butterflies, having fun, best friends, completely in awe of each other and STILL IN LOVE "kind of relationship". (whewwww) As of July, they are going 8 years strong...still! Two souls who are so much in sync with each other that I like to call them my fairytale couple...a real love story. Nique and Theo have wanted a baby for some time now and I can't think of two people more prepared for the task of being parents or two people more deserving.

I am so happy for my friends Nique & Theo and I know they will make the best parents. Here are some pics I wanted to share. In most of their photos they are laughing...that is just what they do together. But...I was able to get a couple serious looks when I took these pics for my website. Nique was helping me get some images as I started my business, she ROCKS!

I waited patiently this past week knowing that Nique would have a Dr's appointment & ultrasound on Tues. I tried to distract myself by emailing her about photography stuff, since we both share the passion...I emailed her about the weather...and just continued to wait patiently. Then today after her appointment I went directly to check my email. "It is official...We're having a BABY!" I was so ecstatic and grabbed my phone to make that call. You know, the call where you scream like you are back in high school and the coolest boy just talked to you...that call. And I did. I called and just screamed with excitement and enthusiasm, because my dear and wonderful friend has her dream coming true. Her & Theo's dream is finally coming true!

Nique & Theo...
You guys are two very special people and I feel so honored and blessed to call you friends. I know you will be fabulous parents. My many, many, many congratulations to you both. I am so excited about being a new Auntie and look forward to getting some photographs before & after ;) ;) wink wink. May your happiness continue to fall on those around you and your smiles continue to inspire. I love you both dearly.
all my prayers...cassandra