December 24, 2007


Well, it's that time of year again...when the holidays rush in and we lose all sense of time and control. Traveling to visit friends and loved ones...extra cooking & lots of baking (well, not for me...hee.hee)...driving in heavy holiday traffic...horns honking...running from store to store to get just the right gift...making one too many trips to the post office...long, slow lines to stand in...with very impatient people who are so flustered that they forget to smile and forget their manners. Yep, you know what I am talking about.

WOW, another year has come and gone and there is much to be thankful for. The month of December has been somewhat hectic on my schedule and yet I have loved every minute. There are many wonderful things I can reflect on this past year, but that will be for another post. Right now, I am focused on the last days of December and it seems these past weeks, I have been sporting some "Bad Hair Days"...yikes! Really, I do believe that my hair has been extremely scary most mornings and therefore it has been in a clamp, a ponytail, a scrunchie or simple hidden by a variety of hats. With all the preparations for Christmas, I do believe alot of people are having this same Bad Hair Day.
When you get frustrated with other shoppers or clerks, take a deep breath and remember to be THANKFUL for all the things you have. It is a very hectic time of year and we must all simply have patience. So, don't forget to slow down and enjoy this week...share some love, give of yourself and remember the reason for the season...CHRIST!

I have a photo of Mocha I wanted to post because it just screams "Bad Hair Day"...and I thought it would make someone smile. This was taken after he rolled around & around in the grass, then got up and shook his head from left to right really fast. I was laughing so hard, I am surprised the picture is in focus. But it is a funny way to get my point across. Everyone has a Bad Hair Day...and it is OK. Hope you enjoy the laugh.

Have a blessed day~c!