October 10, 2007

Lazy Day

Whewwww...finally a Lazy Day...well not really, I still worked, but I was actually able to stop and take a break today. That is NOT what things have been like these past two weeks. Exhausting...5 or 6 all nighters, I lost count...working 47 hours with no sleep...work 70-something hours with a 4 hr nap...busy, busy...busy. However, I am not complaining though because I was blessed to be doing what I love. After meeting my deadlines and finishing up some side projects, I found myself today with a few hours to spare. Break time! So Mocha and I played, hung out and sat outside to enjoy this 80˚ weather we're having in Oct. yea yea...fresh air is good. So here are a few pics I snapped.

Mocha has this really cool toy. It has tennis balls on each end with squeakers. All his toys must have squeakers. This toy bounces too when you throw it. Here he was just sitting there like a lil angel pup.

Making it squeak...while keeping an eye on me to make sure I would not try and grab it from him.

If you look at his mouth, you can see him growling here.

Mocha likes to drop his toys and when you try to grab it, he quickly picks it up and runs.

And in this photo, I just love how his ears perked up when the kitty ran behind me.

I love hot peppers...I love spicy food, so I was so excited years ago when my sister decided to start growing her own peppers. The plants right now hardly have any peppers on them. They usually are massively full. This is our jalapeno plant, it has green jalapenos and they eventually will turn red. They are hot as both green and red and ready to eat. I love this photo because of the small lizard on the top left side of the limb...how cool! The red pepper is so powerful to draw your eye, you hardly would notice this little guy.

These are red chili peppers and they are really good. We put them in so many different food dishes and they add just the right spice.

Now this is a habanero and it is the HOTTEST pepper we have. I mean it is REALLY HOT. Will put tears in your eyes. We use these sparingly. Last year these plants were crazy with peppers...one day I cut approx 80 peppers and two days later there were 90 more ready. We gave alot of them away. My friend Anna, has an Africian Grey Parrot named Buster and he loves to eat them. (By the way, he is the smartest bird ever...he speaks and can replicate sounds exactly, like the telephone ringing. He is so cool.) Not to worry though, birds do not have the same taste buds we do...so Buster doesn't feel the hotness of the peppers.

And this is a Key Lime plant. This is called a limequat and they are so juicy. I put these in my tea.

Well, thats it for today...hope you like the photos.
have a blessed day~c!