August 14, 2009

CHARLIE & LAURA...Sophie & Hermione

I've had several people ask if I would be willing to do a photo shoot with them & their pets. Hummmm, I just assume that everyone knows I'm an animal lover. I mean, just look at my blog header at the top...ha.ha. Anyways, just to make sure that everyone is clear....YES YES YES...I would absolutely love to shoot anyone and their pets (or children), if that is what you call them. That's what I call child.

I LOVE animals in a big way. When I was small, my Dad always let me take any stray animals and care for them. I think it was his way of teaching me compassion towards all God's creatures. Seriously, my Dad would bring me any baby animal that didn't have a mommie anymore. I would name them and raise them until they could make it on their own. I had kittens, puppies, rabbits, baby chinchillas, pet calves, pet piggies, a horse and more. I even had a tiny baby possum that I put in a shoebox & took to show-n-tell at school when I was in 3rd grade. Yes, the teacher freaked out, but all my classmates loved me...I was the coolest kid all day. Anyways, growing up I was blessed to live on a farm and learn about animals and most importantly learn that all living things are precious.

If you have pets, please feel free to bring them along. This is Hermione and Sophie. I call them Mocha's girlfriends because he loves to greet them daily at the back fence and say hello. He barks like a maniac and they just stand and watch him. It is funny. Recently I was able to take a few photos of them with their Mom & Dad.

This is Ms Laura & Mr Charlie. I love these guys. They are wonderful people and the best neighbors anyone could ask for. Sophie & Herimone are "their children" and if any two pets are as spoiled as Mocha, it would be these two.

Mr Charlie is a funny guy. He is always making Ms Laura smile and that is why I love these next three photos. It really shows his personality and humor.

You can see the fountain at Forsyth Park behind them, it always makes for a beautiful backdrop.

Sophie is definitely a "Daddy's girl"...I love this photo.

This next two are a couple of my favorites.

Ms Laura is so cute here, I think this shows her quirky personality. I am sure Mr Charlie was saying something hilarious right at this moment. Sometimes he gets this reaction from her...

and sometimes he gets this reaction...ha.ha.

A couple last shots.

Look how Sophie & Hermione are watching them in this photo. Aaaaahhhhhhh...

Thank You Ms Laura & Mr Charlie for trusting me to document some special moments with your family. Know how much I love you guys...all four of you!


GrayPhotography - Zach and Jody said...

awwww! I bet they love these photos!! Too cute!!! - JG

Cristen said...

So so cute!!!

kymberli q. said...

Ah, these are soooo cute!