July 13, 2009


Like an orchid...life is fragile and life is precious. Unfortunately, we often take life for granted, without fully appreciating it. It's not until we are reminded, by death, exactly how fragile & precious life is. With all the media coverage of recent superstar deaths, as well as the passing of a close relative of mine...I was reminded this past week that every day should be one we are thankful for. Everyday we should celebrate our lives and reach for our dreams. In the past couple weeks, my life has been full of a hectic & crazy schedule with a lot of road time. Riding along in the car I would make phone calls, mentally organize my schedule and plan my next move. I was not stopping to enjoy life, but instead I was just rushing through it. So as I sat this evening to finally take a breath, slow down, catch up on my emails & blogging...I looked back over this past week and I was reminded of life and of death. I was reminded to be thankful and grateful for each wonderful day I've been given. Most importantly, I remembered that we should be happy and live with "no regrets". Reach for your dreams, believe in yourself and appreciate life!

Life is fragile and life is precious...just like an orchid.

This orchid belongs to a very dear friend of mine. I took a few photos and I wanted to share them. This orchid reminds me that life is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l and I am thankful still...for every day!

Hope each of you have a blessed week...


ohana photographers said...

so so true. beautiful shots cassandra!!

Monique said...

WOW...You have moved me with your words that speak so ever TRUE...To see GOD bring LIFE into my world and take LIFE away...is in itself an AMAZING experience...not to sound CRAZY but the actual experience teaches us appreciation. Helping a little one create their own LIFE for themselves and reflecting on the LIFE of someone who has passed...the gift of LIFE is indeed a PRESENT. We should all treat it like GOLD...we only get one...and it's what YOU make of it...ENJOY YOURSELF, ENJOY OTHERS, just ENJOY!Make it the best! :)


Claudia said...

What a great shot. ;) love the post, so true!

cassandra-m said...

Nique...I wish I could write with the same passion that you have. Your comments always...always make me smile. LOVE YOU!!!!

Cristen said...

I agree!! Love the images and hope you are having a great day!

kymberli q. said...

So true, Cassandra...and these images are BEAUTIFUL! They should be framed, for sure!!