July 15, 2008


Here are a few photos I took recently while visiting over at Ms Susan's house. When her kids are home, there are grandchildren everywhere and not a dull moment. The laughter is continuous and moments are priceless. The swing out back has made for many of wonderful photos, including these below.

The ever beautiful little Miss Katherine...

Katherine & Brooks...

Being entertained by the adults jumping up & down behind me like silly people...ha.ha. OOOOOhhhhh!

I just love how they simultaneously became irritable...ha.ha. Too perfect!

Little Miss Sara...

Takin' it easy...


Christopher and his little sis, Katherine.


Ben (L) and Colby (R)...brothers to lil' Sara.

Have a blessed day~cass


kymberli q. said...

Oh. my. goodness!!!!! I am DYING of cuteness! These images are FABULOUS, Cassandra!!!! You rocked this!!

Christopher said...

OK, now I am really bummed that I don't have a little girl. I wonder if I can talk my wife into it? :-)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful children & U did a great job. Children grow up so fast & what a blessing it is to those who love them, that U are able to capture such lovely memories of their early childhood. God Bless


ok when did you post all these??? where have i been?? love these shots!!! those kids are too cute for words!