April 9, 2008


This is Sharon. She is a very good friend to my sister and I. She is simply...AMAZING! I can't possibly cover all the wonderful qualities that this girl possesses. However, I would love to mention that she has one of the biggest hearts ever! She is always putting others first, especially with family and friends. We all feel very lucky and blessed to have her in our lives. Her humorous stories always cracks me up with laughter, her infectious smile makes me want to smile right back and her kind words always makes me feel like everything is going to be fine. She is not only a wonderful person, but she is a wonderful friend and I wanted to take a moment to express this on my blog. I wanted her to know how much she is loved & appreciated by so many people. I hope she doesn't kick my butt, because I am posting some photos of her. She is very camera shy and usually hides from me. Besides a few pics at last years birthday dinner, these are the only photos she has allowed me to take. I promised to only snap a couple "really quick" at our lunch and although she was not excited...I was. I knew she would look beautiful!

This weekend was a mix of emotions for all of us...happiness, sadness and also excitement. Sharon was moving away and although we are so very happy for her new venture, we were very sad to see her go. She will be greatly missed. This is Sharon and she has one of the biggest hearts ever!

These girls are so hilarious...they both were complaining that I asked for a photo of them together...ha.ha. I don't know why they are scared of my camera...I see two BEAUTIFUL, INTELLIGENT, STRONG and INDEPENDENT WOMEN who are simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Sharon...YOU inspire ME. Your kindness and generosity are small traits that make you stand out among others. Thank you for your constant unwavering support and the many wonderful things you always say about my work. Please know how much you are appreciated.

Before Sharon left, we had planned to get together for some good food, great conversation and a few face-to-face laughs. We met at "The Italian Garden" because they have outside seating and we can take Mocha along. Sharon loves Mocha and it was only proper that he share in our "see ya later" meal. Each of us chose a different pasta dish and we all enjoyed some yummy food...even Mocha.

I had to put in some photos of Mocha...well, because he's just so "dang cute"...

I love this photo...he must have stared at that fork for 10 minutes. He is such a smart little dog, he knew the fork was how Lydia got the pasta off the plate when she was eating. I think he was trying to telepathically convince the fork to get off the plate and feed him some pasta. ha.ha.

Of course, that was not necessary because within minutes, Lydia decided he needed just a taste. Notice the scared look in his eyes, like I caught him doing something wrong...ha.ha. However, once he realized I was just taking photos of him and laughing, he got back to focusing on the pasta.

It was so funny, when the waitress came to fill up the tea glasses, he let her know that he was not done with the food with a friendly little growl...

As you can see Mocha has very good manners and is well trained to eat off a fork.

Mocha says "the pasta was delicious...thank you...now more please"...

And this was one of my favorites...the waitress came back to take the plates and again, Mocha was not happy. He is giving the friendly growl again...ha.ha.

There were so many great photos I took as Mocha enjoyed the pasta, that I wanted to share a few more. Notice all the different expressions and how he was staring so intensely at the plate. It was so hysterical watching him and we all found a lot of laughter, which made the sad event of Sharon leaving easier to deal with. Notice in the very last picture, Mocha started looking at Sharon's plate to see what she had left...ha.ha.

Sharon, Lydia and Mocha...

Bear Huggggg until we come to visit...

Sharon, I hope you don't mind me sharing with the world all your beauty and your amazing spirit. You help me truly see how beautiful a woman can be inside and out. You are a conqueror...you've been through alot in your life, but you are just as beautiful and strong as ever. YOU were wonderfully made and I feel so blessed that you are a part of my life. God has great things planned for you and your family...keep the faith. Girl, You Rock!

Have a blessed day~©!


kymberli q. said...

Hi Cassandra! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Sharon sounds WONDERFUL and she is beautiful!!!! You said beautiful things about her too! The shots of Mocha are sweet and hilarious at the same time! Loved this post!

Unknown said...

hello from SC i hope you are doing well. mom is getting stronger every day. She even had her hair done-up! Thx for the kind words, prayers and nice comments. I look forward to visiting your site to view your work, it awespiring. New word.:) moments in time! Dean