April 1, 2008


As promised, more photos of Brady, Brett & Ethan. After our beach shoot we stopped by Fort Pulaski National Monument. I thought the boys would enjoying seeing the old fort and all the cannons there.

The twins mostly walked around just looking, but Brady was quick to find a big toy in this cannon. He was climbing on it and checking every detail out. He was too cute, as you can see below...

I believe Brady was upset here because he wasn't allowed to climb the wall...I can't remember if he was pouting, but I know I love this profile view of him. Even getting upset he looks adorable.

Brett smiled alot more once we got the buckets of sand cleaned out of his eyes, ears and nose. I love this expression and yes I cropped it like this on purpose. I like to off center my subjects quite often...just my style ;)

I decided to post Ethan's pics last since he is the youngest of the three. Each twin has such different expressions, but they both have the biggest most beautiful eyes. Simply too cute. I also love that you can see his little bottom teeth here.

OK, so here is when I realized this place, a place that I suggested, was not very kid-friendly. hummmm...my mistake. Although the boys are quick to climb the wall on the second level, Mel & Jeff were even faster to come and start pulling kids off the wall...notice the shadows in the bottom left corner. We decided this was probably not the best idea to let them climb the wall. I believe that is what upset Brady in the photo above...

Here is what was on the other side of the wall...yea, WOW! A big drop into a moat that surrounds the fort. But no worries, again, Mel & Jeff never left me alone with the kids. I think they sensed that I was petrified by three kids all going in different directions. I think they easily saw my fear. Thank you....thank you ...thank you for your help during the shoot ;)

Below is some information I took off the National Park Service site for Fort Pulaski...a little bit of history trivia for you.

A Turning Point in Military History...

The Battle for Fort Pulaski in April 1862 marked a turning point in military history. It featured the first significant use of rifled cannons in combat. These accurate, long-range weapons shattered Fort Pulaski's walls from over a mile away. After thirty-hours of bombardment, the fort surrendered. The battle surprised military strategists worldwide, signaling the end of masonry fortifications.

As you can see some of the walls still show where the cannon balls hit...

As we left, Mel, Jeff & the kids drove ahead...I was following them when I noticed a deer in one of the wooded openings. It was too late for the kids to see, so I tried to snap a couple quick photos as I drove, so they could see later.

I cannot express how much fun I had this day hanging out with these kids. My friend, Melissa has made an incredible mother and I gained so much respect seeing her in action. Three kids under 2 1/2 years old is a handful and she deals with them so naturally, lovingly and with such a gentle hand. I was amazed that my crazy, wild and wonderful dear friend of so many years is now a compassionate and proud mommy to three awesome little boys. Thank you again Mel, for trusting me to document them at such a precious age. much love...cass

I do have one more group of photos of Brady, Brett & Ethan from another day at a garden in Savannah...I will be posting those later.
have a blessed day~©


Unknown said...

girl your work lots 3-d awesome! Love your dept-of-field! oh-yea!!!!


Rachel Brooke said...
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Rachel Brooke said...

I love the portraits, and how cool that you got to snap those of the deer. We used to have a mother and little freckled fawn that lived on our land. They are such peaceful animals, I don't know why people have to shoot them!!