March 23, 2008


For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish,
but have everlasting life.
St. John 3:16

And he saith unto them,
Be not affrighted:
Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth,
which was crucified:
he is not here:
behold the place where they laid him.
St Mark 16:6

And go quickly,
and tell his discliples that
he is risen from the dead;
and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee;
there shall you see him:
lo, I have told you.
St. Matthew 28:7

It is Christ that died,
yea rather, that is risen again,
who is even at the right hand of God,
who also maketh intercession for us.
Romans 8:34

And, behold, there was a
great earthquake:
for the angel of the Lord
descended from heaven,
and came and rolled back
the stone from the door,
and sat upon it.
St. Matthew 28:2

While driving home this evening I passed a local church just before the sun was getting ready to set. As I glanced over, I saw a cross had been placed facing the road and was decorated with the most beautiful flowers. I hurried home where I was greeted by Mocha wagging his tail and eagerly awaiting my arrival. I quickly gave him some ear rubs and tickles as I explained to him that we needed to take a short road trip. I went flying through the house, grabbed my camera, then called for Mocha and we were on our way. I knew I just had to snap a few photographs of this awesome cross.

Upon returning to the church, Mocha and I slowly made our way to where the cross stood. I took a few moments to breathe and take in this magnificent site. I carefully scouted out a perfect spot that would give me the composition I wanted. Although the angle of the shot is a basic front & center, I felt this best reflected what I saw from the road. I knelt down to check my lighting and then got my camera settings where I wanted. I held my camera very still and pressed the shutter button when suddenly my camera alerted me that I had no memory card. Ooooooohhhhhhhh, I had taken it out after my last shoot and had forgot to put another one in. So I loaded Mocha back into the car and we quickly made our way back home to get a memory card for my camera. This gives you an idea of how my entire week has progressed. However, I did not get discouraged over this, but simply prayed for there to still be light when I returned and....there was. So after a little unexpected delay, I was able to get the photo I wanted to share.

HAPPY EASTER...May each of you, your families & your friends have a MOST BLESSED day! Also before closing, I wanted to send thanks to my Mom for helping me find the perfect scriptures to accompany this amazing photo.


kymberli q. said...

This is a beautiful photo and I'm so happy you went back to document the moment forever!